≡美国ASI ESP手册

1 ASI官方的建议


1. The Product name, summary and description do not meet our standards for English usage. The product name is a phrase stating what the product is. The first letter of the product name must be a capital letter. For example, "apple note holder,apple clip holder" should be entered as Apple note holder.

The product summary must be written in sentence format. For example, "apple note holder,apple clip holder,Table top apple shape clip note" Should be entered as Table top apple shape note holder.

In both the summary and the product name, key words are entered instead of the correct format.

2. Sizes: The sizes must be entered without dashes (-). 1-5/16" x 1-5/8" x 5-1/8" should be entered as 1 5/16" x 1 5/8" x 5 1/8". Most sizes and imprint sizes are on the drop down list. 

To assist you, I have attached a tips sheet that explains how to enter data to make sure your products are correctly represented. 

Please contact me if you have any questions. I’m always here to support you and promote your success.

To be entered into a quarterly drawing for $250, please take a few minutes to fill out our survey below. We appreciate your feedback!


2 ASI EPS 产品的选择




ASI EPS图片的选择:

Prod_Image(File Size: Maximum – 5 MB (TIFF’s will require compression)


   -  Recommended – 600x600

   -  Maximum – 1200x1200

Resizing rules – If supplier has images larger than 1200x1200, they need to be sure they maintain aspect ratio when re-sizing.


   -  Recommended – 300 DPI

   -  Maximum – 600 DPI

File types: JPG, PNG, TIFF

ASI EPS Product Name 产品名称建议:

Product_Name(Validation Rules

1. Must start with alpha-numeric character

2. Should be more than one character

3. Must not use any symbols other than $ # & % / - .

4. Must not contain a URL

5. Field is required for Save/Publish

6. 60 characters max)(最多60个字)

ASI EPS Summary产品简介建议:

Summary(Validation Rules

1.  Should be more than one character

2.  Should be more than one word

3.  130 characters max)



SAVING product:

   -  XID (External Product ID)

   -  Product Name

For making product LIVE (active):

   -  Product Description

   -  At Least one Category

   -  One complete BASE PRICE Price Grid:

       -  Base Price Price Grid Name

       -  One complete Prices column

           -  1st column Quantity AND

           -  1st column List Price AND

           -  1st column Discount Code

      -  OR QUR Flag set to Y (yes)

   -  Currency Code (Default is USD)

REPEATABLE SETS:  Highlighted in BLUE with a Border

I have a sweatshirt that can be imprinted two ways, Silkscreened & Embroidered.  Each one has a different Base Price.  This would require 2 lines (rows) for the same product:

   -  The XID MUST be repeated in Col. 1 for each row

   -  The Price set for the first row would be for Silkscreened.

   -  The Price set for the second row would be for Embroidered

   -  The remaining product level data would be repeated.  Example:  Description will be populated in both rows.


For each subsequent row for another variation of the product but with the same XID you can repeat the the Product Level data on leave it blank.  The 1st row is considered to be the "Product Level" row.  This contains non-repeatable items like Product name, Description, Category(s), etc.  When adding a second row with the same XID for entering another variation of the product (for price, Imprint method, etc), depending on how your system outputs the product data, it is OPTIONAL to repeat the product level data.

Examples:  I have a product with 3 rows (3 variations for price, all same XID):

   -  Product Description, col. D, is only populated in 1st row OR

   -  Product Description, col. D is shown in all 3 rows.

The module that parses & processes the data will know to ignore the second two Product Descriptions


In the case where you need to have multiple Base Prices or Upcharges, you CANNOT have a Base Price and an Upcharge attached to the same criteria set or values.


If I have 3 different Base Prices attached to 3 different Product Colors, I cannot attach upcharges to Product Color(s).  I would need to use Product Options or some other criteria to enter those Upcharges.


参考价: $0
