MM,CM decimal to inches calculator Online
Convert MM,CM,inches To Fractions
How To Convert Inches To Fractions
if you need to convert decimal to fraction,You
- If you want to convert mm to fraction inches,You need to fill out MM BLANK FORM
- If you want to convert cm to fraction inches,You need to fill out CM BLANK FORM
- If you want to convert decimal to inches,Just fill out the form which you have now.
What is PPI(Pixels Per Inch)?
If you Need a Accuratelly Size and set the right PPI.It will be accuratelly.There is possibility that This may inaccuratelly because there are some setting Which can effect the result.It include as below:
- The diagonal screen size Of your Screen
- The Resolution of your Screen
How to caculate the PPI of my screen?
Here are example:- I am using a 21.5 inch (54.61 cm) BENQ GW2245 screen with a 1920×1080 resolution,we get 102.46 PPI;
- for a typical 10.1 inch netbook screen with a 1024×600 resolution, we get 117.5 PPI.
- for 27 inch screen with a 2560x1440 resolution we get = sqrt(2560*2560+1440*1440)/27 = 109 PPI
How To Calculate PPI
You can find a Online calculate PPI

Online fraction ruler
If you need a online fraction measurements on a ruler.It is best idea.
1: Google You diagonal screen size
Here is best way if you do not have a ruler or anything can help you with.First Please GOOGLE and see how your computer brand's screen computer's called BENQ GW2245,SO I google and found that it is 21.5 inches for diagonal screen size.
2 : See the resolution of your computer by check the Controller Panel.
MM, CM, Inch
- 1 centimeter(cm) = 10 millimeters(mm)
- 1 meter = 100 centimeters = 1,000 millimeters
- 1 inch equals 2.54 centimeters, 1 cm equals 0.393700787 in.