ASI ESP上面CATEGORY可以随便填吗?ASI Quality Assurance team是负责什么项目的?

≡ASI ESP上面CATEGORY可以随便填吗?ASI Quality Assurance team是负责什么项目的?


The ASI Quality Assurance team has found a few data issues regarding your recently added or edited products in ESP. Our team will randomly review a sample of supplier product to ensure the data has been entered into the system correctly to give you the best search results for your products. 


Of your recently edited or added products,  2 data issues were identified: 


Categories have guidelines. We have removed the incorrect categories and added the more applicable. 


AXXX - Incorrect Category - deleted Promotions, Specialties Custom Made and Non Web Products; added Lanterns.


AXXX - Incorrect Category - deleted Promotions, Specialties Custom Made and Non Web Products; added Bracelets, Glow Products and Wristbands-General. 

Missing Size on Attributes tab.




参考价: $0
