Redemption period
1:比如域名KMHPROMO .com到期时间为2003年03月01日;
To avoid any downtime or loss of ownership, all domains kept on the default auto-renew setting will attempt renewal 15 days prior to expiration using the payment method on file. If the auto-renewal attempt fails, it will be your responsibility to manually renew the domain before it expires on 2016-09-13.
An expired domain will enter the redemption period after approximately 30 days. This holding period lasts an additional 45 - 60 days, during which the domain will become available to be redeemed by the current registrant for an additional fee, or be purchased by a third party for auction. If the domain is not redeemed or acquired within the redemption period, it will be submitted to the Registry for deletion and will be unrecoverable until it is released for anyone to register.