法属波利尼西亚 这个地方 海运 有便宜的货代推荐吗,可以到门的。
我们只要找到A国(即本国)的货代,让他们在港口承接货物,然后送货到门,那么这一切问题就迎刃而解了。 由此联想,回到最初的问题,马耳他如何做到到门服务,首先我们可以先做到到港(即CIF),然后找到马耳他本地的货代,让他们在港口承接货物,
来做接下来的到门服务。 注:这里的马耳他并不是特定的,它包括一些偏僻的地区或是我们本国的货代很难做到门服务的国家与地区。
Here's one for you. Can you give me your best price please? We are looking for a 5oz canvas bag, similar to the one shown in the picture below, this bag will have 2 color printing on both sides. Printing on 2 sides Material: Cotton Canvas 5oz Dimensions: Size 42cm (height) x 38cm (Width), with a long handle Delivery: US to each centre (San Francisco, San Diego, Miami, LA, New York, Boston), Canada to each centre (Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver), UK one delivery to London we can handle forwarding to individual centres, Malta One delivery, Cape Town One delivery.Regarding quantity, we are looking at 47,500 units – distributed to the US, UK, Malta and South Africa.
#1. 8500个到美国, 美国有(San Francisco, San Diego, Miami, LA, New York, Boston) 这6个点. 你看算价先到那个点 然后再分配?
8500个包有 2.9个方. 然后到另外5个点分配过去你按0.5个方的费用给我.
#2. 8000个加拿大, 有(Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver) 这3个点. 你看算价先到那个点 然后再分配?
8500个包有 2.72个方. 然后到另外2个点分配过去你按1个方的费用给我.
#3. 15000个到英国, 到伦敦, 5.1个方.
#4. 14000个到马尔他, 4.8个方.
#5. 1500个到开普敦, 0.51个方.
#1 建议走快递
#2 建议温哥华走快递 多伦多和蒙特利尔走海运 海运费到门2个门点 all in 1100usd
#3 5usd/cbm 伦敦30天 2/6 的船
#4 139usd/cbm 马耳他50天 2截6 4截2的船
#5 25usd/cbm 开普敦30days 2/5的船
快递运费走香港DHL,预付关税,1000pcs 差不多72kg左右,到英国和马耳他运费一样,加上进口关税和增值税,成本是$934,两个地方一样,如果要分别用快递先寄1000pcs到英国和马耳他,那就需要增加$2000的费用.
Dear Andy,
Kindly note that cargo has arrived in Malta and we have already commenced customs clearance. Kindly find attached customs declaration for your approval, once you approve declaration we shall proceed with customs. In addition kindly also find attached our invoice for this shipment. Kindly note that the amount of EUR 2065 is the amount payable to customs as per declaration attached and that the charge marked as others at EUR 103.29 is the 5% charge on the total amount the EUR 2065.
Should you need any further clarification please do not hesitate to contact us directly. In addition kindly find below our bank details kindly choose which bank you prefer and transfer the funds to proceed with delivery and clearance.